Proposal Evaluation

Identify the most promising research projects

fast-proposal-assess Proposal Evaluation

Assess the received proposals faster
and with better precision
via automated screening

reviewers-selection Proposal Evaluation

Select best-suited reviewers
for particular research

menu Proposal Evaluation

Identify research projects with the highest scientific value and potential impact ​among all the proposals you receive

Screening automation

Get only relevant proposals selected according to the criteria you set.

Smart selection and Recommendation system of peer reviewers

The system accumulates all information about researchers (grant recipients, reviewers) the grant maker has worked with: their academic affiliations, professional track record – research projects they conducted, publications etc. The system uses these data as an input: a special algorithm analyzes all the received proposals and automatically selects the most relevant researcher to review it.

Peer review optimization

We provide a digital platform with incentive models for proposals evaluation process. A log of structured data points resulting from it is formalized into a quantified indicator which can be used to empower decision making.

The DEIP blockchain makes proposal evaluation completely transparent

It also allows to eliminate middlemen that otherwise would be needed to govern and validate proper execution of the rules of the incentive model. The incentive model ensures the proposal assessment is done accurately.

How DEIP Proposal Evaluation works

Proposal-Evaluation Proposal Evaluation

Identify the most promising research

Learn how you can leverage DEIP Proposal Evaluation
for your organization

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